ZOOM/FAXMODEM 56Kx Dualmode Model 2949L.
9VDC 600mA Class 2 Source Required.

Dado que soy el unico que usa un modem externo para conectarme a internet, vamos a hacerle un homenaje a este dispositivo que ha sido tan útil.

Tiene un monton de leds que a veces me da curiosidad de saber que quieren decir (solo me se algunos, como OH,RD,TD y 56K se sobreentiende,seria el colmo) aqui va la descripción, tal y como dice en la parte de abajo del modem:

The modem is using the pphone line.

AA Auto-Answer
Lights when set to answer calls automatically.
Blinks when detecting incoming ring.

RD Receive Data
The modem is sending data to the computer
which normally means thet it is receiving
data from another modem.

TD Transmit Data
The computer is transmiting Data to the modem.
Normally the modem will then transmit the data
over the phone line to another modem.

TR Terminal Ready
The computer (or terminal) is sending a "ready"
signal to say that is ready to provide data to the modem.

CD Carrier Detect
The modem is connected to another modem (carrier
is the signal that modems send to over the phone lines
to talk to each other).

CS Clear to Send
The modem is telling the computer that it is ok
to send more data.

CE Error Conrrection
Sending data using V.42 or MNP4 error connection.

DC Data Compression
Lights when using V.42bis or MNP 5 data compression.

The modem is operating using the V.34 standard.

Modem is operating in PCM mode using either K56flex or V.90.

A fax connection has been made to a remote faxmodem.

MSG Message
Goes on when a fax has been received but not viewed
(not supported by all software).

MR Modem Ready
Modem is ready and operational.

Al encender se prenden el CS y el MR solamente.
Al marcar se encienden el TR y el OH, CS y MR.
Al conectarse se encienden el CD,CS,EC,DC 56K.TD y TR, TR y OH, CS y MR.
A veces suceden cosas raras, como ultimamente que se conecta en cuanto enciendo la pc y se conecta mal pues no recivo nada de datos y estan encendidos o apagados leds que nunca habian estado (asi sabemos cuando algo va mal), bueno, espero pronto tener acceso a banda ancha, pero por lo pronto a la antigüita con mi super fax modem externo.

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